Pool Demolition Company

Hiring a Pool Demolition Company

If you want to have your pool removed, you must check a few things out before you hire a Pool Demolition company.

Is the Pool removal company licensed? The First thing you must check is whether the service provider you are thinking about has the appropriate licensing? Get the pool removal contractor’s license number and consult your state’s website. References, You would not buy most big ticket items without a reference, why are services any different? Ask your swimming pool removal contractor for a minimum of 3 references to look at.

Pool RemovalSay No to Front Loading. Front loading is when a swimming pool removal contractor asks for too much cash downpayment even before the work begins. Never pay more than 10 % of the overall amount. When you let your payments go above the work, you are put in a perilous position. The swimming pool professional could ask for half of the complete cost, perform just 15 percent of the work, then desert the task, leaving you with a huge hole in the ground and no funds to pay another contractor to complete the work. Don’t let this happen you, do not let your payments go above the work.

Put the contract in writing. Be it the initial agreement or a modification in the contract, it needs to be in writing.

Get a swimming pool removal authorization. Do not do any work without a license. You may be able to do it without a license, however when it comes time to sell your home, the new owner will wish to see the permit. Decide on who pays and gets the authorization, will it be a pool owner or the swimming pool removal contractor? Put it in writing in the contract.Pool Demolition Company

Payment is for work that’s done, not for future work. Other than for the initial cash down, pay just for the work that is done. If the payment is in stages, get a receipt after every payment. Don’t pay cash, offer a check for tracking purposes.

Cancellation fine. Is there a cancelation charge? Spell it out in the agreement. The right to rescind. What if after signing the agreement, you change your mind and wish to go on with another swimming pool removal professional even before the work has started? How many days do you have to rescind from the contract. Once again, put this in writing in the contract.

Now that you understand exactly what to expect when working with a contractor, draft the right agreement, sign it and let the professional pool demolishers do the work, while you kick back and unwind.

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Home developer Danny is addicted to house constructing and coin collecting. He's fascinated by discovering and travelling to different cities and in particular to Asia.